Dear Martial Arts Enthusiast,
Welcome to the December 2021 edition and the 143rd issue of the
Chosun Taekwondo Academy and United States Taekwondo Academy
. A recent New York Times article posed the question, Could Covid Lead to Progress? The author, Steven Johnson states, "the period from March 2020 to May 2020 almost certainly marked the most significant short-term change ever in worldwide human behavior.Vast sections of the planet effectively froze in place for a few months and then adopted, en masse, a whole new set of routines to flatten the curve and slow the spread - a genuinely new trick for Homo sapiens."
As the year 2021 closes, instead of looking at COVID-19 in the rear-view mirror and returning to life as usual, another mutation of the virus has emerged, threatening uncertainty and concern yet again. But the good news is that we have survived, adapted and even thrived... a testament to the code and creed that
martial artists live by.
"Never Give Up!"
Please see updated CHOSUN masking protocols below
Check out all upcoming CHOSUN events on the events page of the CHOSUN website!
Please visit the updated and improved CHOSUN Yelp page!

and CHOSUN on Instagram
Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah
(see holiday schedule closing schedule below)
Kamsahamnida, Patty Cook, Editor

Chosun Taekwondo Academy Newsletter celebrating 11 years!